That time of the month again.  RDO.   The weather was perfect this morning, cloudless blue skies and not too cold.  It is likely to crap out in the next couple of days, so up early this morning to change the sheets, do the laundry and hang it all out.  Then armed with a camera and tripod, and with a thermos of coffee and a container of dried fruit, biscuits and licorice in my saddlebags, off on the bike. Incidentally, Licorice and dried apricots make a very nice taste combination.  But I digress.

First stop Police Pools, but nothing inspiring to photograph that I have not already done. I shall go there again later in the day for IR shots, and I will also try for some sunrise and sunset shots.  But not today. Back to the road and heading down towards Schultz road when I spot a Bluetongue meandering across the road.  Bluetongues are slow and probably a bit dimwitted.  They bask on the warm road and get squished by the thousand.  So I stopped to pick this one up and transfer him to a log in the reserve where he (or she – who can tell?) could bask in safety.

Took some photos of course. Captive subject.  They bite but have no sharp teeth, just a bony ridge.  And I had motorcycle gloves. Besides he owed me. I probably saved his life, because just after I picked him up, a ute went by at a dashing pace.

I left him on the log, well away from the road, and returned to the bike.  Then I took great pleasure in getting myself well and truly lost on the back roads between Katanning and Kojonup.  When petrol was getting low, I set the GPS to take me to the Kojonup Caltex, and then went for a wee picnic by the Kojonup Spring.  There I heard, but could not see, the Pobblebonks.  These are the Western Banjo Frogs that sound like someone plucking a catgut string on a cigar box banjo.  Hear them here

Then I chose some more back roads, and got lost again.  The fields are green and gold with grass, wheat and Rape (Canola). In a couple of places  the road was a bit hairy, from recently graded soft shingle, and I came to one flood I had to ride carefully through, but without problem.  The back roads are definitely the most interesting.  Not being into speed, I can enjoy the ride at 30 to 50 k, depending on the surface. It is like riding through parkland, because unlike NZ, the fields all have trees dotted about, giving shade to the sheep, and making the place look like a huge country estate.

It was a good day.  All my troubles far away.

About Uisce úr

Though I am old with wandering Through hollow lands and hilly lands, I will find out where she has gone, And kiss her lips and take her hands; And walk among long dappled grass, And pluck till time and times are done, The silver apples of the moon, The golden apples of the sun.
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