Early Signs of Spring

Despite the fact that I am clearing attractive patterns of ice crystals from the car windscreen every morning, there are signs at last that the season is changing.  The days are bright and sunny, even though there is still a chill in the air.

Taking water samples from the monitoring bore at the tip the other day, I heard frogs calling in the nearby pond.  At the White Dam, where I collect more samples, little fluffy ducklings are playing.  The birds that visit my garden are still busily collecting twigs and straw for nests.

The bottlebrush tree has its first flowers. When that is in full bloom it is a lovely sight, and it attracts all the nectar-seeking birds as well as the messy flower-chewing parrots.  Something to look forward to later on when I can hopefully get some nice photographs.

The odd wattle is blooming around the Shire, and the fields are emerald green again.  The Wheat and Canola are growing vigorously.  In fact when driving home last Friday I noticed that the first fields of Canola are already blossoming gold near Wagin.

Out at the tip this afternoon, I saw the first wildflower blooms.

Soon it will be time to look out for snakes and lizards, and to avoid running over the bluetongues basking on the road.

I have been in Katanning 17 months!    The same period I spent in Fiji, yet the time has passed much more quickly.

Should have come here in the first place.  Earning half as much now, twice as happy.

About Uisce úr

Though I am old with wandering Through hollow lands and hilly lands, I will find out where she has gone, And kiss her lips and take her hands; And walk among long dappled grass, And pluck till time and times are done, The silver apples of the moon, The golden apples of the sun.
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1 Response to Early Signs of Spring

  1. The daffy-down-dillies are out all over Auckland,a few of the oak trees ear the Gillies Ave. off ramp have green shoots but it’s still dan freezing at ight.
    All in all it’s been a mild winter so far.


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