Mongoose Sighting, Suva Point

I  have a bit of flu or a cold, or something – runny nose, sneezing, cough, headache… so they sent me home Thursday afternoon. I had lots of fruit juice and slept it off most of the day.  I was lucky though to spot my mongoose in the front yard.  I managed to get a few pictures, but he (or she) was very shy.  They stand up and look around just like  their cousins the meerkats. Unfortunately the one shot i got of that is all blurry.  Here are the best 4 pics.  Its a shame these cute little buggers are such a pest to the native wildlife.

About Uisce úr

Though I am old with wandering Through hollow lands and hilly lands, I will find out where she has gone, And kiss her lips and take her hands; And walk among long dappled grass, And pluck till time and times are done, The silver apples of the moon, The golden apples of the sun.
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